The Cecil Family saved my behind during Kyle's deployment last year. Truly. I was not comfortable mowing the lawn and such while I was home alone with Jude. Plus I hate those chores more than most household maintenance items, but that's beside the point... So while Kyle was gone, I hired a company to come in and take care of the yard for us. They did a great job in the fall, so I reached out again in the spring to set up our service. Unfortunately, the owner of the business kept ghosting me. He'd tell me he was on his way to our house or he'd be there that week, but I never actually saw him again. Since I kept waiting on the previous folks, the lawn got a little out of hand. When I found a tick crawling on Jude one day (I assume it got on Bo and didn't attach, so it made

its way to my furniture and then to my kid), I panicked. I was done waiting for this guy to maybe possibly show up. I started frantically texting everyone I knew (all 4 of them haha) and posting in all the local Facebook groups. One of my neighbors came to the rescue and introduced me to the Cecils! Their eldest kiddo was mowing lawns with his dad to learn how to do it and eventually get a little side hustle going. They came over whenever either of us noticed the grass getting out of hand and I paid in cash and baked goods because I was so grateful I wanted to toss in a little something extra. When Kyle got home he picked out a lawn mower and we became slightly more self-sufficient. Sadly that meant I wasn't seeing any of the Cecils as much, which made me a little sad!

I was so excited when Jancy reached out to me this spring about a session. Her kiddos are the cutest (okay the whole fam is the cutest but I'm seriously obsessed with the kids) and I couldn't wait to hang out with them during a session. We decided to meet up at Fort Monroe with the extended Cecil clan - grandparents, siblings, spouses, and a whole gaggle of cousins in tow! The kids only heightened my obsession with them because they were so full of joy and creative ideas throughout the whole session. I can promise you that at least half of photos in their gallery happened because one of the kids had an idea! Every time I look back at their gallery I can't help but smile because of all the fun we had and how sweet they are. I hope they make you smile too!