Wedding Day Rain Plan

No bride or groom wants to hear what Kirston and Eric had to hear the day before their wedding - they needed to turn to the rain plan for their wedding day. The week leading up to their wedding was more stressful than usual because the forecast was looking less and less beautiful for their day. I remember looking at it on Monday thinking “aw okay, a 40% chance isn’t great but it isn't’ the worst!” but by Friday it was all the way up to a 90% chance of rain for the entire day. I reassured them that I was prepared with umbrellas for them and protective gear for my camera and that we’d do whatever we needed to do to get them the gorgeous waterside wedding portraits they were dreaming of.

Kirston and Eric Said "I Do" at Blue Pete's in Virginia Beach

We were so fortunate to get a break in the rain during our pre-ceremony portrait time! With Blue Pete’s Restaurant being low-lying and completely surrounded by water, Kirston, Eric, and their bridal party had to navigate around puddles and be extra careful on the docks to keep their clothes and shoes dry, but we still managed to get some amazing formal wedding portraits! Posh Picnixs VB did a great job rolling with the punches and adjusting to the rainy day wedding vision. Kirston and Eric replaced flower girls with “beer dudes” and I’m absolutely a fan of this becoming a wedding tradition! James Davis, their wedding officiant, told the story of Kirston and Eric’s relationship woes - there was a lot of worry about being in the “friend zone” at first - and did an incredible job of making the ceremony about them and their love.

It's Your Day - Do What YOU Want!

After the ceremony, Kirston and Eric took advantage of another break in the rain to get some wedding photos on the docks at Blue Pete’s! They really wanted to be able to enjoy their cocktail hour, so we didn’t take up too much time in their day, which is an extra good thing since it started to pour again shortly after cocktail hour began! After dinner, dancing, toasts, and cake, Kirston and Eric were EXHAUSTED! The day had been a long one so when Kirston looked at Eric and said “I just want to go home and be with you” we all jumped in to get their evening wrapped up so they could revel in the bliss of being husband and wife at last!

Congratulations to the Gideons!

Congratulations on your beautiful, albeit rainy, wedding at Blue Pete’s, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon!

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