We've moved!
In June of 24 we moved from coastal Virginia to Lafayette, IN. As a military family we are at the whims of the Navy, but we were fortunate to get our top choice of duty station for Kyle’s shore assignment. Kyle and I met in Lafayette while he was completing his undergraduate degree as part of a Navy program to open the door for enlisted sailors to become officers, so Lafayette is a special place for us. We were thrilled to find out we were going back for Kyle to get a graduate degree and conduct research. It’s been a bit of an adjustment because while we reminisced about our favorite places, it’s been hard to get to them with our wild toddler and now sweet but spit-uppy newborn.
And grown our family
Our precious Eli joined the world at the end of October and to anyone who said having a toddler and newborn is easier than having a toddler while pregnant, I humbly beg to differ. We are 3 months into this journey and I’m just now starting to feel like we are figuring something out. Luckily Jude is a trooper who absolutely adores being a big brother and having a baby around the house. If Eli is upset, Jude is right there with a pacifier. When Jude leaves for preschool, he always makes sure to tell Eli goodbye and hug or kiss him. It warms my heart to see how much he cares for “his baby”.
And made some biz updates
Last, but certainly not least, I realized that being a wedding photographer was not sustainable with the kind of mom I want to be for my boys. As Jude gets more involved in activities and is at preschool most of the week, I started to panic about giving up my weekends since that would be the only time I’d have with my boys. So I began to search for ways I could keep my photography business going while also being able to commit time to my family the way I really want to. I was fortunate to come across a photographer who mentors other photographers who want to switch from weddings to branding and I was HOOKED. With my business background, my passion for small businesses, and my love for photography this pivot was a no-brainer.
I’ve got one wedding here in Lafayette this May, but aside from that I will no longer be accepting wedding clients so I can focus full-time on providing authentic brand images for local small businesses! I’m really looking forward to bringing back all my knowledge from my MBA and my experience as a small business owner to help Lafayette-area businesses grow and thrive!