Every other year my father-in-law coordinates a vacation for our extended family and this year was incredibly special because it was SUPER extended family. My father-in-law is one of six siblings and every single one of them came to the beach with us this year, plus their kids and grandkids! It was essentially one big beach party for the Petrosky family and it was so amazing to see everyone.
An extra special benefit of this gathering was that I got to see our cousins, Andrew and Lexi, who are expecting their first kiddo this September! When I heard the news I immediately reached out to see if they were interested in doing some maternity photos while we were all together and Lexi enthusiastically said yes!
Andrew and Kyle are cousins, so Lexi and I both married into the Petrosky family, which can feel a little intimidating at times. I mean, the Petroskys were about 70% of the guest list at my wedding... But one of the most incredible things about the Petroskys is how welcoming and caring they are. Lexi and I both frequently express our gratitude for being part of a family that goes out of their way to love and support each other.

Lexi and I had a million and one ideas for her session leading up to the beach trip - I actually had to give up on a few of them because I knew we wouldn't have enough time to accomplish them all! One thing we knew we wanted to have was a flower crown and a set where she was wrapped in tulle - I did the same thing for my maternity session and I knew Lexi would be on board for the creative approach! I took a little bit of a risk and offered to make the flower crown myself since I couldn't find someone in the area and I didn't want to travel with one, and I'm pretty proud of myself for how it turned out!
Lexi and Andrew decided they didn't want to know the sex of their baby until little one makes their appearance in September, and Lexi has been leaning into that in her fashion choices. From the blue and pink streaks in her hair to coordinating her jewelry and outfits to always have a bit of blue and a bit of pink proudly displayed, every outfit was a joyful chance to think about their future and their excitement for little one's arrival.
It was incredible fun and an absolute honor to take these photos for Andrew and Lexi. I'm so looking forward to meeting their little one when they make their appearance soon!