An Unexpected Love
Kirston and Eric weren't expecting to fall in love when they met at a trivia night. They immediately hit it off, and after their first interaction, Eric was hooked. Truly. He asked Kirston out every single day after they initially met. As they got to know each other they learned that they had so much in common - particularly their love for adventure and being outdoors. They spent the next several months exploring everywhere they possibly could together. From a surprise trip to New Orleans to exploring the Hampton Roads area to Kirston's first NASCAR race, nothing would hold them back from seeing the world together.
When we met for coffee a few months ago, I was immediately enamored with Kirston and Eric as a couple. Humble, a little shy, and so full of love for each other, once I got them to open up it was an outpouring of gratitude for one another, their relationship, and life as a whole. I loved hearing all of their stories - it didn't matter if it was about the various adventures they had been on or their struggle to agree on home décor after moving in together, their vulnerability and ability to see humor in all situations had me hanging on their every word!

History Lovers Unite - Engagement Photos at Yorktown Battlefield
One of the things Kirston and Eric have in common is their deep appreciation for history, especially military history. Eric is a veteran and Kirston is a civilian contractor with the military, so they both value the military and the role it has played in American history. When we started chatting about possible locations for engagement photos, their eyes completely lit up when I mentioned Yorktown.
Despite living all the way in Virginia Beach, Kirston and Eric love coming over to Yorktown not only to take in the scenery, but to revel in the history of the location. Kirston picked the most gorgeous location within the battlefields for their photos: a small wooden bridge over a pond with hundreds of trees. It is hauntingly beautiful in that way where you feel compelled to stop and take it all in. When I drove through to scout it out, I had to pull my car over to appreciate the serenity of the spot. After we finished up their photos on the battlefields, we couldn't resist heading down to the beach to play in the sand a bit - and we got to see a pod of dolphins close to shore, which is my personal good omen, so Kirston and Eric are obviously destined to have a beautiful marriage!