I have to be honest with you. I hate writing about myself. The whole “about me” thing makes me feel like I’m setting up my online dating profile. Which I made my friend do for me back in the day. But, I also know how important it is to know your photographer so you can feel comfortable in front of the camera and trust that they will capture amazing photos of you and your loved ones. So, here it goes!
I grew up in a small town in western Maryland. We didn't really live close to kids my age, so I spent a lot of time reading and watching movies. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan to the point where I named my first dog Sirius Black! I was a kid of many interests, but also a sorry attention span, so hobbies didn't really stick around long.
Unfortunately the same thing happened when I went to college. I was so excited about all the new learning opportunities that it was hard for me to settle on a major. I ultimately majored in political science with minors in business and gender studies, but I had no intention of working in politics. I spent a few years working in housing on college campuses, but once I met my husband I knew that I'd be making a career change.
I met my now husband, Kyle, in 2017 while I was working at Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana. He says it's creepy but I knew on our first date that I was going to marry him…but that's a story for another time. We went on three dates the week we met and basically became inseparable after that! The only catch was he was in the military. He enlisted in the Navy several years prior and was at Purdue as part of an enlisted to officer program. At the time I thought I knew what I was getting myself into, but I may have been a little laissez faire about it.

Kyle and I got engaged in 2019 on a weekend trip to our favorite little city, Cincinnati, Ohio. We took Sirius on a walk at Eden Park and as we stopped to appreciate the view over the Ohio River, he popped the question! Ultimately we decided to also have our wedding in Cincinnati, despite living a few hours away, because we found the perfect venue! Maybe one day I'll do a whole post about my wedding! I don't get to talk about it much anymore these days.
Our wedding was the day before everything shut down for COVID, so it was pretty much the last hurrah before being shut in our houses for weeks. We lived off extra wedding pie (yes, pie) and creating new dishes from taco bar leftovers for the duration of lockdown. We also used this time to train our new Aussie puppy, Bo! When we found out that we wouldn't be going on our honeymoon, we picked up our new pup a week early and our lives have never been the same.
A few months later, after Kyle commissioned, we moved to Charleston, South Carolina. Higher Education isn't a very mobile career, so this was the time for my career change. I was fortunate to get a job as a remote health coach. It was fun at first, but I quickly felt bored and unchallenged. Luckily, a new challenge was headed my way in the form of a baby boy.
We welcomed Jude to the world in 2021 and instantly fell in love. From the moment he opened his eyes you could tell that he was taking everything in and trying to make sense of the world. In becoming a mother I felt a sense of purpose I had never experienced before. So when the opportunity came to leave my job in the spring of 2022, I quit. I did nothing but spend time with Jude and it was incredible.
The downside to this period of our lives was Kyle being deployed for most of 2022. Going through a submarine deployment as a spouse with a young child is one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. I can't begin to imagine how challenging it was for the ones who were actually deployed. Thankfully, Kyle returned to us in August and we all adjusted to life as a family of 3 without too many hiccups.

Near the end of deployment I had an opportunity to photograph a military promotion ceremony as my first paid "gig". I loved it so much that I finally took the leap from amateur photographer offering free shoots to professional photographer with an actual business. I've had so much support from Kyle, friends, and clients as I learn my craft and figure out how to run a business and I'm so incredibly grateful for them! As the year progressed, I was able to take on more and more sessions, and ultimately deciding that wedding photography is where I want to focus my efforts. I've been OBSESSED with weddings for as long as I can remember (think Jane in 27 Dresses obsessed) and now I have the honor of photographing this special day for my clients. Being able to witness the unique love, joy, and happiness each couple brings to their wedding day is simply an unparalleled privilege for me!
When I'm not working or chasing Jude around, you'll find me with a craft project, reading, or cheering for the Kansas City Chiefs. Kyle and I enjoy watching Purdue Basketball, playing strategy games, and making cocktails…well, Kyle makes the cocktails, I just drink them! When our sports aren't in season, we watch shows like Brooklyn 99 or Parks and Rec. Walking Bo or playing outside with Bo and Jude are staples in our daily routine, and occasionally we enjoy going to local parks or trails for a little exercise and exploration.
That's it! That's me in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me. I look forward to getting to know you soon!